©Pineapple design studio

这是Pineapple design studio2019年在悉尼灯光节的装置艺术作品“CASCADING HARP”。此装置艺术作品营造一种积极的氛围,游客由此开启一段生动的悉尼之旅。东方文化与西方技术在和平、爱与和谐的庆典中相遇,沉浸其中,体验精致的灯光、璀璨的色彩以及优美的旋律。

©Pineapple design studio

视频来源:Pineapple design studio

澳大利亚新兴艺术家Zara Pasfield设计的这个装置艺术作品,从立交桥西口的自动扶梯边倾泻而下,非常的吸引眼球,散发着迷人的光和旋律。

©Pineapple design studio


©Pineapple design studio

视频来源:Pineapple design studio


©Pineapple design studio


©Pineapple design studio

Start your Vivid Sydney journey by creating positive vibes at the giant Cascading Harp at Chatswood Interchange.  Experience a grand yet delicate curtain of light, colour and music where eastern culture meets western technology in a celebration of peace, love and harmony.
Cascading down the side of the escalators at the western entrance to the Interchange you’ll be spellbound as you take in this huge installation emitting mesmerising light and melody by emerging Australian artist Zara Pasfield.
Likened to a colossal wind chime, the installation features soft cotton lengths of rope hand dyed in pastel colours inspired by Tibetan prayer flags. Clusters of traditional bells, LED lights and music chime in time to the movement of the ropes.
Reminiscent of Tibetan song bowls used for peaceful meditation, each colourful rope features a hollow metallic sphere fastened to its end. The spheres of song carry a message of harmony, peace and love through the air with their sound, emulating the idea that prayers and good wishes are carried by the wind from Tibetan prayer flags strung in high places.
Come closer and immerse yourself in this stunning installation. Create your own joyful songs sending positivity and hope. Weave in and out of the ropes, run your fingers along the jangling bells among beautiful lights and soothing music.

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio

©Pineapple design studio


©Pineapple design studio 

视频来源:Pineapple design studio 

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