
©Erwin Redl

今天为大家带来的是奥裔美籍艺术家欧文·雷德尔(Erwin Redl)的灯光互动装置艺术作品“ GeNeSiS”,此项目位于罗德岛大学博普雷化学与法医学中心的中庭,由480个LED灯板组成。此装置艺术作品最有趣的地方是它通过元素周期表的符号来演奏诗歌。

视频来源:Erwin Redl


©Erwin Redl

装置名称“ GeNeSiS”是从元素周期表符号中选出的常见单词,他所用的符号代表锗、氖、硅和硫。名称体现了安装的意图,这个装置艺术作品将成为校园社区和所有罗德岛大学共同承担核心使命的人之间牢固联系的源泉。

©Erwin Redl

此装置艺术作品由10 x 10英寸丙烯酸灯板制成,表面刻有元素周期表的符号。面板侧面发光,面板框架中嵌入RGB-LED。LED点亮雕刻的符号。每个面板的颜色和亮度可以单独编程,以提供无限数量的图案选择。

©Erwin Redl


©Erwin Redl

在微观模式下,符号会按照单词使用的顺序依次点亮,例如单词genesis,则“ Ge”,“ Ne”,“ Si”和“ S”一个接一个地点亮。在宏模式下,单词在安装的整个发光面板网格上水平滚动。

©Erwin Redl

此装置艺术作品是由罗德岛大学和罗德岛州艺术委员会委托创作的。该建筑的建筑师是马萨诸塞州波士顿的 Wilson建筑师。

©Erwin Redl

艺术家欧文·雷德尔(Erwin Redl)的作品结合了他在电子、传统媒体中的概念、结构思想及精湛的技艺。他拥有奥地利维也纳大学音乐作曲专业的学士学位和纽约视觉艺术学院计算机艺术硕士学位,因此可以将他的业务拓展到传统美术之外。

©Erwin Redl

Residing in the atrium of the Beaupre Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences, the light installation “GeNeSiS” (sub-title “A Primordial Alphabet Soup”) consists of 480 LED light panels suspended in three layers. It uses the symbols of the periodic table as building blocks for interactive poetry.
Users can submit their poetry through this web-site. The words will be vetted against a dictionary of offensive language. After this initial cross-check, an algorithm evaluates if the words can be built using the symbols of the periodic table. If the words of the poem can be created only using the symbols of the periodic table, the poem will be submitted to the curatorial committee. If a word or words cannot be created, the user is asked to change their input. The committee will review the submitted poems on a regular basis and select the poems that will be displayed in the installation.
The title “GeNeSiS” was chosen from a list of common words that can be formed from symbols of the periodic table. The symbols used represent germanium, neon, silicon and sulfur. The title embodies the intention of the installation which is to be the origin of a strong bond among the campus community and all those who share the core mission of the University of Rhode Island “Think Big, We Do”.
The display is made of custom-built 10 by 10 inch acrylic light panels with the symbols of the periodic table engraved into the surface. The panels are side-lit with RGB-LEDs embedded in the panels’ frames. The LEDs illuminate the engraved symbols. Color and brightness of each panel can be programmed individually to provide options for an unlimited amount of patterns.
The installation is conceived both as a complete aesthetic infrastructure, as well as an open interactive artwork. Several slow-motion color sequences are pre-programmed and randomly interspersed with poetry submitted by the viewers.
In the micro mode, the symbols light up sequentially in the order they are used within the word, e.g. “Ge”, “Ne”, “Si”, and “S” illuminate one after the other if the word genesis is displayed. In the macro mode, the word scrolls horizontally across the entire light panel grid of the installation.

About the artist
Erwin Redl’s work is informed by his combination of conceptual-structural thinking and profound craftsmanship both in electronic and traditional media. With a BA in Music Composition from the University of Vienna, Austria and an MFA in Computer Art from School of Visuals Arts in New York he is able to expand his practice beyond the traditional Fine Art context.
For more information please visit www.paramedia.net

©Erwin Redl

©Erwin Redl

©Erwin Redl©Erwin Redl



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