探索艺术家Tadao Cern“黑色气球”装置艺术中的矛盾

©Tadao Cern

艺术家之所以能成为艺术家,因为他们不平凡。大多具备鲜明而独特的个性和气质,他们的思维方式异于常人,极富创造力,各种奇思妙想层出不穷。立陶宛艺术家 Tadao Cern经常考虑双重性和矛盾性:轻便&沉重,简单&复杂,死板&活泼。对于艺术家Tadao Cern来说,创作就像是玩耍,所有的创作来源于他的好奇心。

视频来源:Tadao Cern


©Tadao Cern


©Tadao Cern

“我仍然像个孩子,唯一不同的是我的气球更大了,而且是黑色的!”Tadao cern以一个单纯又俏皮的儿童视角,创作了《黑气球》装置艺术作品,告诉了我们一个关于气球的高级玩法。

©Tadao Cern

《黑气球》系列早期是将黑色气球放置在纽约新美术馆的外置空间,Tadao Cern在其中思考了建筑与空间、场所之间的关系,探索了建筑“动态式形态”的可能性。

©Tadao Cern


©Tadao Cern


©Tadao Cern
Project "BB"
Questioning of a life in a simulation starte in 2016. Since then project has been seen in Tokyo, Beijing, New York, Paris, Venice, Cologne.
We live in a world where order and chaos contradict and complement each other... always and forever. Any disorders are predetermined by events that reflect a perfect structure in the system...
Installations are the renderings of this notion and that is the reasoning of why they keep on being created over and over again.
"BB" compositions are personifications of lifeless objects; most importantly - they represent nothing, a true emptiness. Which is felt every single time looking at the cloud of these black floating objects,
eagerly waiting to be forced to react to our presence... react with no message, no notion. It's just a dialog between us and them; here and now.
Which will develop into a reminiscence of an idea once balloons will deflate and the work will become non existent again.
Black Balloons are like bouquets of flowers: compositions fade away within a span of a few days, so they have to be carefully maintained or revived throughout the period of the exhibition.

©Tadao Cern
©Tadao Cern
©Tadao Cern
©Tadao Cern
©Tadao Cern
©Tadao Cern
©Tadao Cern
©Tadao Cern
©Tadao Cern
©Tadao Cern

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