
©Brookfield Place
Monster by Tin&Ed
地点:Brookfield Place(Brookfield Place, 230 Vesey St, New York, NY 10281美国)

布鲁克菲尔德广场(Brookfield Place)联合驻纽约艺术家Tin&Ed,为大家带来万圣节艺术装置Monster。Monster艺术装置是一种新设想的杂交花,它的巨大花朵高20英尺,宽25英尺。活动仅一周的时间,邀请游客参与活动,它的灵感来自于食肉和寄生植物及真菌。Monster将被安全地悬挂在冬季花园的中空,使所有经过的人都能看到他。

©Brookfield Place



在冬季花园中拍摄Monster的充气雕塑照片或自拍照,然后将其发布到社交媒体上,贴上@BFPLNY的标签,即可从礼宾台兑换到满满一大包令人兴奋的美食了。BFPL的礼品袋包括糖果、一本涂色书、BFPL商店提供的优惠券、价值10美元的Hudson Eats礼品卡等等!


To celebrate Halloween at Brookfield Place, artists Tin&Ed have created an inflatable sculpture titled, Monster.
For one week only, you’re invited to come face to face with this strange new life form suspended in the palms in the Winter Garden and can turn yourself into a monster with a specially designed AR filter on Instagram!
Discover Your Inner Monster & Redeem Treats at the BFPL Concierge!
October 24 – 31
Mon – Sat, 10AM – 8PM
Sun, 12 – 8PM
Snap a selfie with or a photo of the Monster sculpture in the Winter Garden and post it to social media tagging @BFPLNY to redeem a goodie bag full of exciting treats from the concierge desk, while supplies last.
Treats include a BFPL coloring book, sweets, offers from BFPL’s shops, a $10 Hudson Eats gift card, and more!











Tin Nguyen和Edward Cutting是澳大利亚的艺术家和创意技术专家,他们创造了有趣的装置和体验,阐释了艺术与科学、物理与数字、人类与非人类之间的无边界维度。他们的工作是由一种对自然世界以及我们与自然世界错综复杂的联系方式的强烈好奇心驱使的。 他们使用艺术通过这种相互联系的镜头来构想世界。


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