
©Thewiz Trammell

互动装置艺术“Alternity”是视觉艺术家罗伊(Roy“ The Wiz” Trammell)的作品,曾出现在火人节上,后在波特兰灯光节上展出。

视频来源:Thewiz Trammell


视频来源:Thewiz Trammell

艺术家罗伊(Roy“ The Wiz” Trammell)通过创作,试图扩大参与艺术的范围,并为他的生活带来意义和目的。

视频来源:Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell

Reality is not a straight line. It is a branching tree of alternatives where everything that can happen, does. At each point of uncertainty, two parallel universes diverge. Each consciousness traverses a unique path through this ... Alternity. Patterns and colors flow through the branches. Colored sprites perform intricate dances. Shapes and waves pass through the structure as three dimensional forms. At times, these compositions move to imaginary music. At other times they respond to gestures at a touch screen kiosk.
Alternity is all about the future and how our everyday decisions determine our path through its infinite possibilities. Starting from the single moment of Now, we have the power to make choices that bring us to any of these possible future worlds. Alternity's interactive element emphasizes our ability to shape these worlds
Roy is a visual artist working at the intersection of technology and art. Known to his friends as "The Wiz", he lives and works around Portland, Oregon.

©Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell

©Thewiz Trammell



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