俄罗斯设计师Lesnikova Olga的作品分享

酝酿已久的艺术之花在俄罗斯设计师Lesnikova Olga的作品中绽放。笔触之间的天马行空在眼前浮现,创意思维开花结果。听!是心动的声音!


灯光互动装置的概念是为Glow Festival(Eindhoven)创建的。


Bitting Heart互动装置是一个多边形聚光led控制结构,由脚手架框架内的绳索拉伸而成,动脉和静脉(可充气的织物管道)从心脏向下延伸到地面的面板,通过面板内的传感器捕捉人们的脉搏。装置周围的扬声器会放大并传播心音。当一个人将手放在带有传感器的面板上时,心脏会闪烁,整个区域都会听到该人的心跳。

The concept of light interactive installation was created for the Glow Festival (Eindhoven). In all traditions and beliefs red color, the heart and blood, were supposed as symbols of life. The Heart is a pump for human blood and is considered to be one of the strongest and expressive signs for human perception. The Bitting Heart interactive installation is a polygonal poly-light LED-control construction stretched with ropes inside the scaffolding frame with arteries and veins (inflatable fabric pipes) coming out from the heart down to the panels on the ground that capture pulses of people with sensors built in panels. The sound of heart bit amplifies and transmits around with speakers located around the installation. When a person puts his hand on a panel with a sensor, the Heart flashes and the whole area hears the heartbeat of that person. Each new sound is superimposed on the previous one, so the heart will absorb the sounds of hearts that will form a chorus of beats, resonate with light impulses to each new heartbeat that can also be converted to the sound design, producing



亚马尔的三个最重要的标志是:这片土地所渗透的河流;白鱼,亚马尔最有名的鱼之一;北极光,冬季会有许多的游客。这些符号激发了我的灵感,并成为创作“ Starfish Go North”的起点。


The three most important symbols of Yamal are: the rivers with which this land is permeated; whitefish, one of the most famous in Yamal; aurora borealis, followed by many tourists in winter. These symbols inspired me and became a starting point in the creation of “Starfish Go North”.
Using the technology of kinetic facades, we tried to combine and rethink the themes of the elements of the Polar North - water, wind, the color of the northern lights, and silver scales of fish. The object is a composition of metal elements, the upper modules of which resemble shapes of floating fishes. The facades of these modules are covered with movable flake plates, which interact with the wind and create the effect of flowing water. Installation is highlighted by dynamic LED lights turning the object into shining star whitefishes floating in the sky.




Art-installation “Space Pollen" was invented to celebrate the opening of the spring-summer season in the Bauman Garden and represents a magnified millions of times pollen of some fantastic plants growing and collected on other planets of the universe.




Costumes for the opening ceremony of the Gorky Park ice-rink, 2019.


Lesnikova Olga

Lesnikova Olga是俄罗斯知名创意设计师,平面设计师及艺术指导。



Lesnikova Olga works in the fields of public art, event and festival set design and art objects.
Graduated from Moscow University of Print with a degree in graphic art and design. After many years of working in periodicals, she's been engaged in environmental design and public art since 2010. The author of many projects and installations of Moscow parks: Gorky Park, Bauman Garden, Tagansky Park, Hermitage Garden. Art-director of many festivals in Russia and abroad.

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