沉浸式艺术装置《Tatu》 (2022)

艺术品名称:Tatu (2022)

艺术家:Pamela Tan,Poh Sin工作室

《Tatu》(2022)是一个空间艺术装置,是设计师兼装置艺术家Pamela Tan的作品,让参观者沉浸在光影世界中。该装置由激光切割钢制成,呈现一个圆顶,圆形板上有马来西亚主要民族——马来族、华人、印度人和达雅族文化中的精美图案。花卉和几何造型——让人联想到马来西亚的瓦扬·库利特(皮影)——投射在画廊的墙壁、天花板、地板甚至游客身上。在《Tatu》内部,没有明确的边界或分离,房间被改造成一个反射和完全沉浸的空间。

Tatu (2022) is a single room installation which bathes visitors in an array of intricate motifs of light and shadow. The installation made from laser-cut steel is presented as a dome with circular plates of elaborate patterns found in the cultures of main ethnic groups in Malaysia – Malay, Chinese, Indian and Dayak. Floral and geometric shapes – evoking scenes of Malaysia’s Wayang Kulit (shadow puppet) – are cast across the gallery walls, ceiling, floor and even visitors. Within Tatu, no clear boundary or separation exists as the room is transformed into a space for reflection and complete immersion. 


Looking at traditional Iban tattoos carved onto skins as a starting point, Tan gradually developed the installation to explore skin and inclusion. Tatu represents the diversity of the Malaysian community as well as all people regardless of their faiths, ages, nationalities and capabilities; judging none and celebrating all. Tan has intentionally designed the circular, patterned plates to be detachable, revealing the silhouette of a stylised, human head – the idea being that everyone who looks at the sculpture sees them/his/herself.  


Standing at the average height of a Malaysian at 1.6 metres, Tatu is an elegant statement tirelessly illuminating as a hopeful memorial to the spirit of diversity. In light of tensions that the national elections have kindled, Tatu reminds us that only through embracing our differences can we survive in this country and world that we share. 


Tan’s installation is an inclusive space where visitors of any colour or background, holding any opinion or belief, are welcome. The title Tatu pays homage to the people of East Malaysia who often feel sidelined in the grand Malaysian setting.

Photo/image by Ewyn Shum , Eugene kong


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